It is very common for individuals who are returning to work after a prolonged absence to experience both fear and anxiety. We find that many of our clients experience an increase in symptoms as we begin the planning and implementation phase of a return to work. We understand that this is a difficult time for our clients and that the increased symptoms do not signal an increase in pathology, but rather a very understandable increase in anxiety and fear about returning to the workplace. For some individuals, this leads them to either delay or abort the return to work process in order to avoid the discomfort. Avoidance may get in the way of other important, valued aspects of life.

Unfortunately, delaying or aborting the return to work is a solution that has the short-term benefit of reducing the discomfort. However, in the long term this strategy actually results in increasing the fear and anxiety resulting in unnecessary avoidance and a shrinking of the individual’s meaningful life.

BridgeMed Health’s CBT program includes the development of a plan for a graduated return to work in conjunction with our client, the insurer and the employer. Typically, the graduated return to work extends over the course of 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the situation. Our involvement does not end with the beginning of the return to work. We continue to meet with our client until he/she is working full time in order to provide ongoing support, problem solving and reminders about how to best utilize the strategies and skills learned during their involvement with us. We have had considerable experience at managing a successful return to employment for our clients.