Our Philosophy

BridgeMed Health provides Return to Work focussed on 3rd Generation Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, an evidence-based psychological treatment. Our CBT involves a number of sessions with a CBT professional, using a simple, easy to use video conferencing technology available on any device (phone, computer, tablet).

BridgeMed CBT involves support and space to tackle all psychological disorders including anxiety, depression, phobia, stress) though one-on-one video sessions with a Registered Psychotherapist, from the comfort of your own home. No more stress and stigma involved with visiting your Therapist at his/her office!

The work with the Registered Psychotherapist involves in-session interaction, as well as assignments after the sessions – both integral components of BridgeMed’s CBT service.

BridgeMed’s CBT is:
  • Structured
  • Time-limited
  • Teaches strategies and skills
  • Based on a proactive, shared therapeutic relationship between therapist and client

BridgeMed focusses on measurement of success, with measurable positive outcomes!


  • Secure, Canadian Healthcare compliant video-conferencing capability
  • Easily accessible through app-based technology (iOS, iPhone, Android); or web-based browsers (PC, Mac)
  • Secure messaging and file sharing
  • Online booking
  • Full-time tech support (Contact Support – support@bridgemedhealth.com)